Welcome to ‘PENICILLIN’, a new literary magazine edited by the Marquis de Vaccine himself, Ernst Graf, so-called because it comes to you from an Edwardian mansion block in Praed Street, Paddington, London, no more than a good strength ejaculation’s distance from the room where Sir Alexander Fleming rather accidentally discovered penicillin.

The aim is to release a new issue every Sunday evening free of charge in PDF format to everyone on the mailing list. You may add your name to the mailing list at the bottom of this page.


“Congratulations on your first issue of Penicillin! It has a palpable energy. Glad to see your photography in there too."

"I like the content and the voice. In fact, I like everything about it except one thing: black text on a red background is hideous and hard on the eyes."

"I found it to be a delightful read and I am very glad to have been a contributor to PENICILLIN!”

"Good showing on the first issue. That was an enjoyable read. Bravo."

“After much turmoil the Marquis has pulled through and delivered a whirlwind of bizarre tales artistic nudity and raw poetry tied together by his own unique sensibilities prefaced with a cathartic discourse on the tragic banality of art.”

“Sat down and read PENICILLIN this evening - very good first issue! I loved the emphasis on ‘creating’ and the art interspersed throughout… PENICILLIN will be a fantastic vessel for many!”

“Reading it was a delight, and it was wonderful to watch Marquis de Vaccine deliver his vision from some weeks ago of a weekly infusion of art and literature.”

Future issues.

We eagerly welcome submissions for our upcoming issues. All submissions are welcome on any subject matter.

We wish the magazine to be eclectic, random, with very short pieces & longer pieces. Prose, poetry, drawings, painting, photographs all welcomed on any subject. We would welcome regular contributors who may wish to establish their own ‘column’.


Not so much a co-editor as a co-conspirator, M.T.White—essayist & ‘moraliste’ as we say in the Bois de Boulogne—is the author of CONTENT: A NOVEL.

“Combining provocation with apocalyptic vision, CONTENT presents a world on the brink of chaos as the forces of governments, technology, social media, ideology and religious cults vie for power and control of the masses”.

Your Editor terrible.

I am Ernst Graf, the Marquis de Vaccine, most eligible bachelor in London, making love to 21st century women with 20th century tool, a slut & a lush, author of a dozen books already. The first 11 are available separately & also in one omnibus edition, THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ERNST GRAF (1996-2019). There is also a book of my aphorisms & sayings published in 2020, YES IT IS I. Some readers of my work have left the following testimonials:

“The man’s standards are barely discernible.” BullRush

“Plastic sheet protectors for your pages would be nice.” BullRush

“You sell who the people want you to be.“ Nick August

“Except you’re not exactly ordinary & the devil won’t even come near you due to your degeneracy.” BullRush

“Ernst is the most underrated account on Twitter. He’d get more followers if he’d reduce his ejaculations by 50%.” Nick August

“Ernst Graf is singlehandedly keeping the Penicillin industry afloat.” BullRush

“Ernst is the literary treasure of this century. Sadly, he’s sunk under more fluids than any Spanish Galleon.” Nick August

“I think he’s a genius.” Troy Francis

“I find you unique I can’t put my finger on it!!! I hate things like that.” What Katie Did

“One day I will actually buy one of your books and possibly even read it. I promise.” Yoylo PUA

“Your pages are unique in that they often stick together.” Jazmak99

“My hitherto pure mind has been corrupted by your infectious degeneracy.” James/Grumps

“But that's the charm of Ernst Graf’s books.  Reading and touching them leaves you with the same feelings of disgust and revulsion.  How many other authors offer such a rich experience?” Gaius Julius Caesar, PhD

“This gent is brilliantly prepared to survive the vagaries of the 21st century with panache.” Hyper-Ambivalent


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